

About us

Pulmeq is a company that has been operating continuously since 2015. It was created in response to the demand for disposable equipment used in pulmonology. Thanks to their knowledge and cooperation with specialists in the industry, they have completed the first production line of disposable filters used in spirometry in Poland.

Meeting new challenges posed by the pandemic in the medical industry

COVID-19 pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a decision was made to launch a new production line to ensure the safety of patients and medical personnel. Once again, we are the first and only company in Poland that has undertaken the difficult task of producing disposable medical equipment that enables doctors to perform proper diagnostics while also providing increased safety for them and their patients.

We took up this challenge, and thanks to close cooperation with specialists in pulmonary diagnostics, we launched a production line of disposable antibacterial and antiviral filters. We have successfully supported medical staff in Poland and worldwide thanks to our quick response to these changes.

Meeting the set goals

Modern production in harmony with nature

Currently, Pulmeq is the only Polish manufacturer of filters, mouthpieces and nose clips for spirometry, registered in the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products.

Our goal, apart from making high-quality products, was to create a modern company infrastructure, thanks to which we can provide:

  • The highest standards set in the European Union
  • Service provided by qualified staff

Certificates for raising standards and acquiring further certificates by Pulmeq

Quality management

Our strict quality policy guarantees full repeatability of the produced products, quality of the production process and thus - quality of disposable spirometry mouthpieces, disposable mouthpieces, filters and clips for spirometry tests.

Since April 2021, Pulmeq has been the only Polish manufacturer of spirometer filters registered with the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products as a class IIa product.
To ensure the quality of our products at every stage of their production, from the purchase of raw materials and packaging materials, through their verification, quality control and storage, we have implemented and operated following the ISO 13485:2016 quality management system and WHO-GMP guidelines.
The filter insert, which acts as a barrier to bacteria and viruses, was tested at Nelson Laboratories. The filtration degree test showed 99.99% effectiveness against bacteria and 99.98% against viruses at a flow rate of 30l/min.
The highest quality of our filters produced and implemented production procedures is confirmed by the Quality Management System certificate issued by TUV Nord.


A company built on strong foundations

We have an experienced team of specialists

Thanks to cooperation with specialists from the pulmonology diagnostics industry, we have created a modern machine park that guarantees excellent quality.

With the environment in mind

The raw materials used by our company are primarily biodegradable, so by working with us, you also care about the green future.

We constantly raise the bar

Every production step is closely monitored and developed following the ISO 13485:2016 quality management system. We also comply with WHO-GMP guidelines.


We care about ecological solutions

We know how important it is to care for the ecosystem and because we deal with disposable products - we have opted for their biodegradability.

Our spirometry mouthpieces are environmentally friendly, and production waste is specially sorted and collected by appropriate companies to facilitate their recycling process.

By collaborating with Pulmeq, you also care about our everyday environment.


Our machine park

A modern machine park guarantees excellent quality of our produced disposable spirometry mouthpieces, so we are sure that our customers will return to us with satisfaction.

All machines and devices we own have been specially adapted to produce our products and meet the requirements set for devices intended for the production and packaging of medical devices.